Wii would love to talk but wii are busy. Since Saturday morning, when Noah and I left the house at 6:30 to line up at Toys R Us, the Wii has become a new member of our household. What the packaging doesn't specify is that the term Wii translates to mean, roughly, "you, your immediate family, and any neighbourhood children within a 2 mile video-gaming sniffable detection range." Honestly, I think kids have a built in GPS for these kinds of machines.
So, it remains to be seen whether this was our smartest purchase. I've been the lone holdout in our home on these gaming systems. I caved on this one only because I've been assured that this system does not lead to couch potato-itis. I'll let you know. Wii have a bowling/badminton/baseball/golf/tennis tournament going on in the living room that might need some help for the high scores. Ahem, I mean, I'm going to go cheer. Of course.
Oooooooh I can't let my son see this post.
Welcome Wii!
HUGS from your couch potato friend whose family spent all last Saturday watching the entire first season of Corner Gas!!
Wii haven't bought one yet, we have no room left where the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega, Playstation 1 and playstation 2 sit lol....How did the "cheering" go *giggle*?
The kids had fun playing it on Sunday, but for now, we are staying wii free! Instead focusing on maybe buying a RV. Have fun 'cheering'!
LOL! That Wii and the PS3 are the only 2 we DON'T have thanks to my DH. I'm sure it'll happen soon enough but I'm still trying to holdout too. Oh and good luck with your 'cheering'. ;-)
LOL Have fun with your new game!
Wii've managed to hold out so far, but like V we don't have room where our PS2 and Sega are lol ;). How do you like it so far?
as a
calico vision
super nintendo
and computer gamer owner
evil evil evil lol... I have enjoyed gaming too much as a child (... okay... and as an adult)! Have fun though! and remember it does have an off button!
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