I've thought about this blog thing for a long time. I enjoy reading what others write and I enjoy writing as well. There are some excellent blogs out there. There are also some that are a bit...much. Where is that line between an appropriate level of sharing and putting it all out there for the world to see. I was at a workshop this summer talking about connecting with the uninvolved in women's ministry. The speaker made the comment that the reason that so many (and she was talking specifically about young single women) put all their information on facebook or their own websites is that they just want to be known. I've thought about that for a good while. Sad to me.
I am known. My husband knows me. Too well at times for his liking, I suspect. My children spend every day with me and see the good, the bad, and definitely the ugly. I have a few close friends who I share my heart with. Most of all, I serve a God who knows my innermost thoughts. The One who has known me since I was formed in the womb. Can you ask for more than that? What, then, is the purpose of blogging? There is no void in my life that this exercise can fill.
Maybe, perhaps, it's not just about me. Maybe there is a wee possibility that I can encourage one person. That in sharing my own triumphs and struggles one reader will see a reflection of their own life, examine it, and make a change for the better. Maybe it's just a creative expression because that's how God wired me. Maybe not everything needs to have a grand purpose but can still be profitable in the long haul.
Maybe I'm back. I have a lot of photos worth sharing over the last (almost) year since my last post. I've been growing and learning and trudging along as I seek to follow Jesus in my life. I've acquired a few battle scars along the way and there are more to come. There's joy too. And it's worth every hit.
Blessings on your day if there is anyone out there. *wink*
There is no maybe about it. You definitely encourage me. You inspire me. And you remind me that it is okay to be real in this home schooling-trying-to-follow-God-and-be-a-good-wife blogging world. I've missed you. I hope you will be back with lots more to say. ((hugs))
Giiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrllllllllll!!!!!!!!! I love you and miss you and know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I, for one, relish the opportunity to connect with you here. (((((chickie))))
You have inspired me and made me smile long before you started blogging...I read each and every post and I'm glad to see you back here :) ox
So glad to "hear" you again!! :)
Hey chica...welcome back to the blogoverse. I definitely think you are an inspiration and I'd love to see more of you around here.
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