Friday, February 18, 2011

{head of her class}

This layout didn't photograph as well as I would have liked but I wanted to post it anyway.  This is my middle daughter, third child, working away at her schooling.  The papers are Scenic Route, the card stock Stampin' Up, and the journaling sticker is Daisy D's.  I am not always thrilled about homeschooling (hmmm, did I say that out loud?) but the benefits continue to outweigh our other options.  I do find joy in spending my days with my children, I've got a pretty good group of people here!

I am pretty happy that it is Friday.  This week has kind of kicked my butt.  I have hit a couple of snags in preparing for my speaking gig next weekend that will hopefully be resolved soon.  I had the funniest dream on Sunday night.  I was starting my first of three one-hour sessions and had my notes very well prepared.  I got up to the front of this auditorium and I started my session on how to properly make a bed.  I was very passionate about hospital corners and smoothing the sheets.  Just think, three hours of that!  I had to laugh that my mind doesn't even really relax when I sleep right now!

My two oldest were supposed to go skiing/snowboarding today but it is way too cold for that and their event has been postponed.  It is a long weekend here and I am looking forward to holing up inside, working at my computer, and getting some time to play with my pretty paper.  I'm working on a big photo order at ScrapbookPictures that I hope to get out today.

What are your weekend plans?


ScrappnBee said...

Is it sad or funny when skiing is postponed because it is too cold? Love your layout! She is too cute! Great job!

Tracy said...

Your layout is lovely.
Looking forward to this long family day weekend. We were going to go to our camp/cottage, but her too, its too cold.
So planning on staying in, watching some movies and creating :)
Enjoy your weekend as well.

hilde janbroers said...

I see I wasn't following your blog yet...stupid of me!!
Now I your layout! those pictures are so adorable.