Sunday, February 11, 2007

On Saying No

Saying no has never been something that I've been very good at. Give me an opportunity and, for the most part, I will jump at it. An opportunity was presented to me on Thursday with some flattery attached. Initially I thought I would go ahead and accept this but I asked for a few days to talk it over with my husband, think on it, and pray. Once I sorted everything out, I came to the conclusion that this is not a good time for me to add anything more in my life. God is showing me that there are other things filling my life right now. I am feeling a contentment with homeschooling that I haven't experienced in some time, if ever. While I finished teaching the women's Sunday School class in December, I am still actively involved in ministry in a few different roles. Gary has ministry responsibilities that tend to carry over into my life. He is coordinating a class this term and I continue on with my music students. Life is full right now but not in a way that makes me panic. It was time to say no.

So why is it so hard? Why was it hard today to go to this individual, look them in the eye, and say that I cannot do this right now? I think the fact that someone had specifically requested me to fill a role had something to do with that. This request came through a third party and I specifically did not ask who had mentioned my name as I thought that would likely sway me further. Gary has been so good to free me up to do some things outside of caring for our family and initially was encouraging me to accept this, until he heard how settled I am feeling right now. This will be a season (and who knows how long it will last) of a bit more restfulness for me. I'm enjoying the settled feeling I am experiencing at home, not having so many things taking up room in my head. Having enough emotional energy to pray for the things that I do have going on right now. And having the peace to wait on God for further direction.

And that is why I need to sometimes say no.


Running Kiwi said...

Ahhhh amazingly, I could have written that post :) My new years resolution was "to say no" ... and with that little word, freeing up me to clear my head and have time to look after myself, have time to enjoy my children more, have time to enjoy my husband more.

It's amazing how strong that one tiny word is!

. said...

Thank you for one of life's most valuable lessons.

Amy said...

wow, what a great, insightful post today. Good for you for listening to God's whisper!


Marina said...

What a very powerful post, I know all too well what it is like to take on too much. I think saying No is a resolution for many people. It is so easy to be swayed, but good for you for noticing that you don't need to take on the whole world to be satisfied in your life, having some room to breath is an amazing feeling!!!

Margaret said...

Ahhhhhh. No is a very powerful word. Too bad it took me moving to NY to extricate myself form too many yeses!

Ara said...

If your being asked to do alot of things, it is good to say no once in a while, good for you for taking the time and thinking about it.